Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 8, 2010

Its time to stop blazing spark

Re: "Expert wants coal-burning plants shut," Mar 16:

After 4 disastrous comments on tellurian warming, I have this comment:

"It doesnt make a difference either the creation is warming or cooling or either the meridian is becoming different or not. There are facts, not only theories, that await the removing absolved of coal: The removing and utilizing of spark pollutes the ground, H2O and air. And that is all we have on this planet. I theory the similar to cigarette smoking. I have seen emphysema patients hide out of the sanatorium for a smoke. We need the doctors to insist to us that smoking is going to kill us."

I instruct I could write it on the sky.

We are wasting a lot of time and appetite perplexing to shift the Flatlanders.

Roberta Dees

Carolina Green Sense


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